Interview with The Prairie Joggers
In the fast- paced world of music, bands often encounter challenges that put their endurance and creativity to the test. For Adam and Cody, the journey from their previous band, “Odder than the Otters”, to their current project has been rollercoaster of resilience, growth, and musical exploration. Their music is a melting pot of folk, and rock which is known for its vibrant, gritty, energetic, and authentic vibe. Here are some of the transcripts from the Interview of The Prairie Joggers:
How did your previous band, "Odder Than the Otters," influence your current project?
Our previous band, "Odder Than the Otters," was a significant part of our musical journey. It allowed us to explore different genres and styles, and it was during this time that we began to develop our own sound. When the band disbanded, we decided to continue making music together, and we brought some of the songs we had set aside for future projects. This transition led to the formation of our current project, where we've been able to refine and evolve our sound further.
What inspires your songwriting process?
Our songwriting process is inspired by our personal experiences, emotions, and observations. We draw inspiration from everyday life, relationships, and the world around us. We also find inspiration in other artists and musicians such as Neil Young, Houndmouth, and Big Thief.
How do you approach writing lyrics and melodies?
Our approach to writing lyrics and melodies is collaborative and organic. Sometimes, one of us will come up with a melody or a riff, and we'll build the song from there. Other times, one of us will write the lyrics, and we'll work together to create the music. It's a fluid process that allows us to explore different ideas and directions.
What have been the major changes in your music style and writing process since the beginning?
Our music style and writing process have evolved significantly since the beginning. We've become more selective with our songs, focusing on creating music that feels authentic and true to who we are. We've also refined our recording process, finding a balance between quality and budget. Our sound has become more cohesive, and we've developed a clearer sense of our musical identity.

How do you feel about performing live, especially in front of elderly audiences?
Performing live is always a thrilling experience for us, regardless of the audience. We love connecting with people through our music and seeing them enjoy our songs. Performing in front of elderly audiences has been particularly rewarding, as it allows us to share our music with a demographic that may not have had the opportunity to see live music otherwise. It's a humbling experience, and we're grateful for the opportunity to perform for them.

How has the pandemic impacted your music and creativity?
The pandemic was a challenging time for everyone, but it also provided us with an opportunity to reflect and refocus. We were able to spend more time writing and recording, which allowed us to explore new ideas and directions. It was a period of growth and creativity for us, and we're proud of the music we were able to create during that time.

What challenges have you faced as an independent band?
As an independent band, we've faced challenges in marketing and recording. We've had to learn to be more selective with our songs and have found a recording process that works for us. We've also worked hard to improve our marketing efforts, using social media and other platforms to reach a wider audience. It's been a learning process, but we're constantly evolving and finding new ways to connect with our fans.

What are your plans, both in terms of music and performances?
We're excited about the new music we've been working on. We recently recorded an album in our basement with the full band, and we're proud of how it turned out. It's a collection of songs that reflect our growth as musicians and songwriters, and we can't wait to share it with our fans.
In terms of performances, we're planning to hit the road and play more live shows. We're looking into booking a tour for the fall, and we're hoping to play in as many cities as possible. We love connecting with our fans in person, and we're excited to bring our music to new audiences.
Adam and Cody, the dynamic duo behind The Prairie Joggers, have embarked on a musical journey that has seen them evolve and grow as independent artists. As they continue to explore, The Prairie Joggers are a band to watch, and their music is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who listen.
So, whether you’re a fan of folk, rock, or just good music in general, be sure to check out The Prairie Joggers. 
*Click the image to check out their Spotify
The Prairie Joggers

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