​​​​​​​On Friday, January 26, 2024, the West End Cultural Center presented a musical evening,Winterruption. I had the pleasure of listening to Meule and Rayannah. The show began at eight o'clock, with Rayannah leading off. A diverse range of fans attended the event to fully experience Rayannah's special blend of music and vocals.
I enjoyed how English and French music were combined. Songs such as Nos Repaires, Delphine Et Marylou. I had been a fan of them before the concert, but when I heard those songs being played, something just kept me there and got me thinking about why this music sounds so much better in live. That song gave me goosebumps and chills with every beat. Maybe loud music. I'm not sure, but it was very powerful.
The WECC setting was ideal for such a modest yet very interactive event, as she shared the inspiration behind her songs, creating a friendly and inviting atmosphere. I experienced a sense of specialness. Even if you haven't heard her music, you feel connected, regardless of language. Her live performance will be an unforgettable experience that you will love.
To be honest, her songs are soothing and entertaining, but if I could, I would have requested the host to turn up the lights, become all spacey and dreamy, and add some smoke. Well, these are subjective, though. 
Everything started out nice and mellow before picking up speed and throwing you off with an electronic dance beat that made everyone go crazy. Yes, it was Meule's first Canada Tour in Winnipeg. For me, Meule’s music is experimental, hypnotic, and captivating, but some might find it noisy or sometimes chaotic. I was enthralled by the trio's intense and passionate playing. You could sense the crowd's enthusiasm and the vibrations of the guitar and drums. Everyone was dancing on the floor as they were performing.
Their two drummers, who share a single kick drum and produce intricate rhythms and patterns, seem to be the foundation of their groove. Their melody is contrasted by the texture and loudness added by the guitar. Watching them engage with each other had me enthralled. I had the impression that they were speaking to one another with each drum beat.
Their songs—such as Flush, Gateaway, and No Couchette—are typically built around a central riff that they grow and alter throughout. Likewise, their songs' vocals and occasionally-found lyrics are flawless. They are psychotic, processed, and warped.
I promise you that you will headbang and jump around throughout their live performance.

Click these images to check their Music in Spotify*




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